Rhymes with damn near

204 Results
nearly /x Adverb
almost /x Adverb
damn it // Phrase
damned / Adjective
practically /xx Adverb
dammed / Adjective
just about /x/ Phrase, Adverb
close to // Phrase, Adverb
virtually /xxx Adverb
literally /xxx Adverb
near miss // Phrase, Noun
pretty much /x/ Phrase, Adverb
dammit /x Noun
damnation x/x Noun
nears / Noun
darned / Adjective
roughly /x Adverb
approximately x/xxx Adverb
close call // Phrase, Noun
effectively x/xx Adverb
borderline /xx Noun
literal /xx Adjective
downright /x Adjective
nowhere near /x/ Phrase, Adverb
barely /x Adverb